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ANI100 - Introduction to Animation

This course introduces students to the principles of animated motion and the application of structural drawing to animation. Exercises in motion principles will serve to build the animator's vocabulary and understanding of animation.


CHR131 - Character Design - Basic Principles

Students are introduced to drawing forms used in the development of solidly-constructed cartoon characters.  Emphasis is placed on construction of heads and bodies, leading up to an analysis of character types.  These character design assignments are integrated into other course assignments including Storyboarding, Layout and Animation.


EAC150 - College English

College English is an introductory college writing and reading course fundamental to successful college studies. Through a variety of assignments and classroom activities, students will strive to develop the rhetorical and analytical skills essential to their success as communicators in college and upon graduation. Fiction and non-fiction will be a central vehicle for teaching writing.

PRE-REQUISITES: EAC149, EAP500, ESL934, ELI Level 8 or placement based on a Seneca College English Skills Assessment


HIS151 - History of Animation

This course introduces students to the history of film as it pertains to the animation industry, covering events, films and innovators from 1900 through to the end of World War II (1945). In addition to watching rare and groundbreaking films of the earliest animation era, students will analyze the emergence of new technologies, character animation technique and storytelling improvements.


LAY111 - Layout - Perspective

This course introduces students to environmental drawing and design, emphasizing a core understanding or perspective, volume construction, observation and drawing of solid forms along with environmental storytelling, composition and completing artwork with professional quality finished line work.


LIF141 - Life Drawing - Structural Anatomy

This course introduces students to environmental drawing and design, emphasizing a core understanding or perspective, volume construction, observation and drawing of solid forms along with environmental storytelling, composition and completing artwork with professional quality finished line work.


STR100 - Storyboarding - Film Structure

This subject will focus on the theory and terminology involved in the production of storyboards for animation. This will involve a working knowledge of visual language of film structure, scenes, shots, camera angles, and continuity, as well as visualizing and drawing creative staging and posing of characters. The use of film reference will be extensive.
