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CYW400 - Exceptionalities of Children and Youth

This subject introduces the student to the characteristics, needs, and methods of assessment of children and youth who have special needs. The Child and Youth Worker student will consider the difficulty these children and youth have in realizing their full human potential and the methods that are employed that assist people in their attempts to be fully accepted. The student will also examine the changing attitudes in society toward people with challenges and will explore the position of the Child and Youth Worker as advocate


CYW402 - Crisis Interventions

Upon completion of this subject, the learner will be able to: 1. Demonstrate an awareness of the factors that contribute to a crisis situation (Precipitating and Predisposing Factors) within different populations.2. Describe the conflict cycle and how it applies to the client as well as the worker.3. Apply the six stages of Life Space Crisis Intervention.4. Demonstrate an effective use of verbal intervention techniques.5. Demonstrate an awareness of physical restraints, escort holds and take-downs.In addition to the above learning outcomes, students are expected to attend all classes and participate fully. Confidentiality, courtesy and respect for peers and faculty are expected at all times. All of the above knowledge and skills will be teacher and self evaluated on an ongoing basis through assignments and classroom activities.


CYW403 - Group Work in CYC Practice

Group life is an integral part of our existence including family, work,
friendship and community associations. A large majority of the work Child and Youth Workers do with clients will be done in groups.  This subject is designed to gain comprehension of group dynamics and group theory.  The student is given the opportunity to design, implement and evaluate a group designed specifically for children or adolescents.  This subject will enable the student to understand the stages of group development.  An emphasis will be placed on increasing the individual learner's awareness of his/her own style in group settings and as a facilitator. Theories about group dynamics will be heavily supplemented with activities designed to foster an understanding of the group process and to improve group skills.


CYW447 - Field Placement Seminar

This is the third of five seminars related to the field placement. This seminar and the following seminars will be offered concurrently with field placement. This seminar is a forum for second-year students to integrate placement experiences with classroom learning. Common and recurring themes and issues related to the student?s field placement experience will be identified and prioritized for discussion. These recurring themes and issues will be explored through class discussions and activities. A primary focus of this seminar is to ensure that students are practicing safely and ethically within their placement setting.


CYW457 - Field Placement

Field Work Placement is a laboratory for students in the placement setting. The student learns the philosophy, function, procedures, strengths and limitations of a Child and Youth Work agency or school setting. Students have the opportunity in the supervised placement setting to practice Child and Youth Work Skills learned. In addition, she/he learns to become part of a service team and learns to provide support and services to meet the needs of children, youth and families serviced by the agency or school.


GEN001 - General Education Option

According to the Ministry of Training, Colleges, and Universities, ?the purpose of General Education in the Ontario college system is to contribute to the development of citizens who are conscious of the diversity, complexity, and richness of the human experience; who are able to establish meaning through this consciousness; and, who, as a result, are able to contribute thoughtfully, creatively, and positively to the society in which they live and work. General Education strengthens students' generic skills, such as critical analysis, problem solving, and communication, in the context of an exploration of topics with broad-based personal and / or societal importance?. Please contact the School of English and Liberal Studies at your campus to find out more about the variety of General Education courses from which you can choose.
