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EAC150 - College English

College English is an introductory college writing and reading course fundamental to successful college studies. Through a variety of assignments and classroom activities, students will strive to develop the rhetorical and analytical skills essential to their success as communicators in college and upon graduation. Fiction and non-fiction will be a central vehicle for teaching writing.

PRE-REQUISITES: EAC149, EAP500, ESL934, ELI Level 8 or placement based on a Seneca College English Skills Assessment


ICA001 - Introduction to Computers and Applications

In this subject students are introduced to the use of computer systems, a microcomputer operating system (MS Windows), and the following business applications: MS Word for word processing, MS PowerPoint for business presentations, and MS Excel  for spreadsheets. The student will use Windows to effectively operate a personal computer, access various Seneca computer systems, prepare word documents, create business presentations, and develop spreadsheets.


NAT108 - Understanding Science and Technology

This subject will develop an understanding of the history, philosophy and social contributions of science and technology. It will introduce students to current issues of particular concern to both science and society, including modern medical ethics, the use of modern communication technology and the application of the scientific method to contemporary environmental questions.


PSY355 - Applied Psychology of Learning and Careers


Personal and career success can be enhanced with an examination of theory and research from the field of Applied Psychology.  The goal of this course is to provide students the opportunity to explore programs within the college system and career alternatives to form a career direction. Throughout the semester a core emphasis will be for students to fully explore and develop self-knowledge and interpersonal relationship skills. Students will find that these skills are transferable for academic and career success.

