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ECU113 - Preschool Child Development & Observation Skills

This subject includes the study of the principles, theories, and sequences related to the physical-motor, cognitive, language, social, emotional and moral development of the preschool child.This subject also places emphasis on observation techniques and appropriate applications of norms and theory in the interpretation of observed behaviour through on-going observation of children in the Seneca Laboratory School.


ECU140 - Creative Workshop

Students will be given the opportunity to use a "hands-on" approach to exploring materials and creative problem-solving techniques that are appropriate for use with preschool children.


ECU143 - Preschool Methods

As its title indicates, this introductory subject will examine all aspects of an Early Childhood Education Program: Time, Space, Things, and People. Students will have the opportunity to plan, implement and evaluate learning experiences for preschool children. Special emphasis will be placed on child centred approach to teaching that facilitates active learning, and the role of Learning Centres in a preschool program. Another title for this subject could be "Playing to Learn", as this dominant activity for children will be our focus throughout the semester.


ECU144 - Music for Young Children

Students will create and facilitate opportunities in which children can participate, experience, learn about, and enjoy music and movement.


ECY501 - Health and Nutrition for Young Children

In this subject, students will study three health related topics and their relevance in working with young children in preschool settings. These topics are: i) nutrition; ii) child abuse; iii) safety and illness.


EFP143 - Preschool Field Placement

Students will spend sixteen hours a week and a Block week in a preschool program observing and exploring the full environment of the classroom in all its aspects: time, space, things and people. They will for the first two weeks support children's play and learning, and also contribute materials to the existing learning centres, while observing their use. The students are encouraged to be involved in all aspects of the program with the support and guidance of their host teacher. Students are expected to also plan, implement, and evaluate two complete learning centres of their choice.

If at any time a student jeopardizes the emotional well-being, health or safety of a child through actions or behaviours and the supervising professor determines that the student is not capable of the required level of independent functioning, the student may be withdrawn from placement and may fail the course. The student may also be asked to leave the program.
