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LGL411 - Legal Research

This subject provides students with an introduction to legal research and basic techniques of good legal writing. Students develop the skills necessary to analyze simple legal problems and to research basic legal questions. Students learn about primary sources of law, including how to find and update legislation and case law using both print and online sources. Students learn how to cite, read, interpret, and apply statutes, regulations, and cases. Emphasis is placed on Ontario and federal law.


LXE411 - Estates

This subject is a study of the laws and procedures concerning the drafting of wills, powers of attorney and estate administration in Ontario. The first part of this subject concentrates on the laws relating to testacy and intestacy and basic will drafting. The remainder of the subject examines aspects of estate administration including administration prior to obtaining a certificate, estate certificates, asset administration, passing of accounts, income tax returns and powers of attorney.


LXJ432 - Debtor Creditor

An introduction to debt collection procedures including commencement of proceedings, obtaining default judgment, enforcing judgments and orders,Small Claims Court actions, and documenting debt settlements.


LXY426 - Legal Document Production III

This subject gives students an opportunity to continue to develop their Microsoft Word and keyboarding skills. Students are also introduced to legal software which is used in the areas of estate, litigation law and legal accounting.


GEN001 - General Education Option

According to the Ministry of Training, Colleges, and Universities, ?the purpose of General Education in the Ontario college system is to contribute to the development of citizens who are conscious of the diversity, complexity, and richness of the human experience; who are able to establish meaning through this consciousness; and, who, as a result, are able to contribute thoughtfully, creatively, and positively to the society in which they live and work. General Education strengthens students' generic skills, such as critical analysis, problem solving, and communication, in the context of an exploration of topics with broad-based personal and / or societal importance?. Please contact the School of English and Liberal Studies at your campus to find out more about the variety of General Education courses from which you can choose.


FPL430 - Field Placement II

This is a continuation of FPL 330. Students are required to complete field placement in a legal work setting to apply the theory and skills they have learned during their legal studies.
